Informed consent

Question Title

* 1. We invite you to participate in a research study being conducted by researchers from Washington University in St. Louis.  The purpose of this research study is to study women’s perceptions of pumping and milk expression. We are interested in how you feel about your experiences pumping, especially with the amount of milk you produce.

If you agree to participate, we would like you to complete a survey about yourself, your breastfeeding habits, and your experiences pumping.  You will then be asked to upload 1-3 photos that show what pumping means to you. These photographs can be of anything, they can be personal or obtained from online. You will be asked to provide an explanation of why you selected that image - what it means to you and why it reflects your experiences pumping.  If you provide additional consent, these images will be included in an online photo gallery. Photos of infants and children will be not uploaded to this gallery to protect their privacy but will be included in analyses.

You are free to skip any questions that you prefer not to answer. It will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete the survey.

We will not collect your name or any identifying information about you.  Your survey will be randomly assigned a number when we log onto survey monkey.

Taking part in this research study is completely voluntary.  You may choose not to take part at all.  If you decide to be in this study, you may stop participating at any time. Any data that was collected as part of your participation in the study will remain as part of the study records and cannot be removed; it will not however be used in any analyses.

 If you do not wish to participate in this study or want to end your participation in the study, close out your internet browser.  You will not be penalized or lose any benefits for which you otherwise qualify.

We encourage you to ask questions.  If you have any questions about the research study itself, please contact: Dr. Elizabeth Quinn MPH PhD (email  If you have questions, concerns, or complaints about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Human Research Protection Office at 660 South Euclid Avenue, Campus Box 8089, St. Louis, MO  63110, 1-(800)-438-0445 or email   General information about being a research participant can be found on the Human Research Protection Office web site,  To offer input about your experiences as a research participant or to speak to someone other than the research staff, call the Human Research Protection Office at the number above.

Thank you very much for your consideration of this research study.