Thank you for taking part in this important survey

Your business has been identified as one which operates within the vicinity of the works area for the construction of the Metro Tunnel.
Throughout the construction period, Melbourne Metro Rail Authority and the constructors of the Metro Tunnel will engage with businesses within the works area to notify them of:
  • Any likely impacts of construction on your business
  • Support measures available to minimise the impacts of the works on your business
  • The timeframe and key milestones of construction
  • How to take advantage of the benefits of the Metro Tunnel when it becomes operational
We are asking you to complete the following survey to enable us to better understand your business and assess your business requirements. Your participation will help us to respond to your needs appropriately in the event that your business is impacted by construction activity.  The survey will take approximately 8 minutes to complete.
Privacy Statement and use of SurveyMonkey

Melbourne Metro Rail Authority (MMRA) is committed to protecting your privacy by fully meeting its responsibilities under the Privacy and Data Protection Act. For further details please see our Privacy Statement.

MMRA is using the services of SurveyMonkey for the collection, aggregation and analysis of survey data. The information you provide is transferred to SurveyMonkey via a secure URL which has 128 bit/256 bit encryption and is stored in SurveyMonkey's secure data warehouse. The information will also be disclosed to third parties, including the constructors of the Metro Tunnel such as John Holland Pty Ltd and institutional stakeholders such as Yarra Trams.

The information collected in this survey is transmitted and stored securely in the United States and is accessed by MMRA in accordance with the SurveyMonkey privacy policy. By completing this survey, you agree to this transfer.

You may decline to provide information by not responding to this survey. If you do provide a survey answer you consent to storage of your survey answer offshore (outside of Australia). This means that once you have chosen to participate in the survey MMRA will not have an obligation to take reasonable steps to ensure that SurveyMonkey does not breach the Victorian Privacy Principles in relation to personal information that is given to SurveyMonkey. You can access SurveyMonkey's privacy policy here.


By submitting any information in this survey, including sensitive information or health information, I consent to it being collected by MMRA, used within MMRA and disclosed to third parties. I also consent to the transfer and storage of my information off shore in the United States. If the information relates to someone other than me, I am authorised to give this consent for that person.

By completing this survey, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the above Privacy Statement. If you do not wish to provide your consent, please exit the survey now.
If you want to know more about the survey or the Metro Tunnel Project, or would like a Metro Tunnel representative to contact you directly about the project, please provide your contact details via our website or on the Metro Tunnel Info Line 1800 551 927.

If you would like to know more about the project in your language, please call our Interpreter Line 03 9280 0700 or you can read our multilingual resources on
our website