Introduction and Consent

25% of survey complete.
You are about to participate in a short survey conducted by Kingston Community Credit Union. The information you provide will help us to serve you better. Upon survey completion, you may choose to be entered into our draw to win $100.

Your participation is voluntary and your responses will be treated with the strictest confidentiality, including being separated from any identifying information that may be collected at the same time, and stored on password-protected computers and survey accounts. You are not obligated to answer any questions that you do not wish to answer. You are free to withdraw your consent and to discontinue your participation at any time. KCCU will not be able to personally identify you by the information you provide in your responses to this survey, unless you choose to provide your contact details. Please refer to KCCU's privacy and security statement for further information.
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Question Title

* 1. By clicking 'I consent' below, I am giving my consent to participate in this survey.