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Dear Center Community,

Thank you for your ongoing financial support and patience as we have reopened the Center OnSite and continued to provide our OnLine and OnDemand offerings in response to the many COVID-19 restrictions. We have learned a lot these last 6 months and continue to learn a lot.

Please take a few minutes to provide us with your feedback by August 21 so your Center Team can continue to learn and improve how we can serve you and the Center Community.

Thanks for BEING part of the Center!

Anthony & the Center Team

Question Title

* What is your gender?

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* What is your membership status?

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* Please indicate all the Center activities you have participated in since our Reopening (choose all that apply)

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* Comments

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* Indicate how often you have participated at the Center OnSite.

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* Comments

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* If you have participated in any Center OnSite activities, please rate your experience.

  Excellent  Satisfied  Dissatisfied Unacceptable  N/A
Aquatics - Lap Swim | OnSite
Fitness Classes | OnSite
Fitness - Weight Room | OnSite
Tennis | OnSite

Question Title

* Comments

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* Rank in order of importance the reason why you have NOT participated in Center OnSite activities (1=most important to 5=least important)

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* Comments

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* Indicate how often you have participated in Center OnLine (Zoom) or OnDemand (recorded) activities

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* Comments

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* If you have NOT participated in Center OnLine (eg Zoom) classes/activities, please indicate your reason in order of priority (1-most important to 4-least important)

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* Comments

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* Rank in order of importance which you would choose to access the Center programs if you choose not to or cannot return to the Center OnSite. (1-most important)

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* Comments

Question Title

* Rate the Center Kids offerings that your family has participated in. (Select N/A if not applicable)

  Unacceptable Dissatisfied Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied  Satisfied  Excellent N/A
Aquatics - Center Kids Mini Camps | OnLine (Zoom)
Aquatics - Family Recreation Swim | OnSite
Aquatics - Family Lap Swim | OnSite
Aquatics - Swim Team | OnLine (Dryland)
Aquatics - Swim Team | OnDemand (recordings)
Fitness Classes | OnLine (Zoom)
Fitness Youth Classes | OnLine (Zoom)
Tennis - Family | OnSite

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* Comments

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* Rank the following in order in which they have positively impacted you upon returning to the Center

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* Comments

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* Rank in order which of the following have helped you felt connected to our Center community.

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* Comments

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* Rank in order of importance which of the following have helped make you feel safe returning to the Center OnSite.

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* Comments

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* Rank in order of importance which of the following have prevented you from returning to the Center OnSite

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* Comments

Question Title

* Please provide any other comments/questions below:

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