Survey 1: Issues affecting DR in Australia and/or New Zealand

Resolution Institute is seeking information from you, our members, to assist in developing our strategic plan for 2017 – 2020. This is the first of a series of short surveys. There are five main questions. It asks you for your ideas about the issues affecting DR in Australia and/or New Zealand.

Your answers are anonymous, unless you choose to provide your name at the end of the survey. Over the next 6 months Resolution Institute will conduct a series of very short member and stakeholder surveys to build knowledge and information about

-          influences shaping DR in Australia and/or New Zealand

-          your DR business and/or practice

-          why you joined Resolution institute

-          why you remain a member

-          what services you’d like in a membership organisation

-          what role you’d like Resolution Institute to play in shaping the future of DR

We will distil and combine the results with information from small focus groups other research and advice to develop our strategic plan. The results will be shared with you, our members.

Please complete your first survey now, to let us know what the key issues are for you and your DR business and/or professional practice.

Thank you for your input.