
Rethink Breast Cancer’s mission is to empower young people worldwide who are concerned about and affected by breast cancer through education, support and advocacy. Since 2001, we have been building community for young women dealing with breast cancer and providing support and resources to help them live their best quality of life. Because up to 30% of all breast cancers can become metastatic, Rethink Breast Cancer has always worked closely with young metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients—women who, sadly, leave our community far soon.

We have created this survey to identify the needs and priorities of everyone affected by the burden of metastatic breast cancer. We want to ensure that we are doing the best job that we can to represent patients and caregivers to government and to assist them within the community.
Some of these questions will address very personal concerns. You are free to skip the questions that make you uncomfortable, but please remember that the more we know about your experience, the more we can do to help you and other caregivers in the future.

We thank you in advance for your contribution and greatly appreciate your participation in this survey. If you have any questions, concerns, or technical difficulties while completing this survey please contact Shawna Rich-Ginsberg at:

Privacy Policy: To ensure patient privacy and confidentiality, individual responses will not be identifiable. It is important to note that selected quotations may be used without reference to a patient’s name or any other information that could identify the you.