How mature is your organisation when it comes to social collaboration?

1. Fill in the survey
, prepared by OrangeTrail and Knowman, and based on OrangeTrail's Social Collaboration Maturity Model

2. Receive a free personalised report, with your organisation’s maturity level and suggestions on how to grow from there

3. Receive the global benchmark report and check how your organisation fares against others (data is aggregated and anonymised)
The Scan is intended for organisations, teams or departments / units with more than 150 employees.

Only 1 answer per organisation.

Deadline to complete the Scan: Friday, 6 March

Estimated completion time: 20 minutes
Please note: only the first 60 organisations with more than 150 employees to fill in the survey will receive the free personalised report

For more information on the Social Collaboration Maturity Model or on the Social Collaboration Maturity Scan, please click here.