MARCH 12 Community COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic at Homer High School |
This is for first dose appointments of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, at a large-scale community vaccination event at Homer High School on Friday, March 12th ONLY.
Return to sphosp.org for additional appointments available on other dates in March, at the South Peninsula Hospital COVID-19 Testing & Vaccination Site.
Select the eligible group you are included in under the current State criteria as of March 3. If eligible, you will continue to the available COVID-19 vaccination appointments on March 12th.
In addition to meeting current State eligibility criteria, you must be available to receive your second dose at the required 28-day interval. This will be on Saturday, April 10th, and we will assist you in scheduling your second dose during your first dose appointment.
If you already received your 1st dose, your 2nd dose appointment is scheduled and you do not need to make another appointment. Call (907) 235-0235 if you need a reminder of your 2nd dose appointment date/time.
Return to sphosp.org for additional appointments available on other dates in March, at the South Peninsula Hospital COVID-19 Testing & Vaccination Site.
Select the eligible group you are included in under the current State criteria as of March 3. If eligible, you will continue to the available COVID-19 vaccination appointments on March 12th.
In addition to meeting current State eligibility criteria, you must be available to receive your second dose at the required 28-day interval. This will be on Saturday, April 10th, and we will assist you in scheduling your second dose during your first dose appointment.
If you already received your 1st dose, your 2nd dose appointment is scheduled and you do not need to make another appointment. Call (907) 235-0235 if you need a reminder of your 2nd dose appointment date/time.
- Age 55 years and above, OR
- Age 18 years and above and:
- Considered to be “high risk” or “might be high risk” by their provider, or by the CDC, OR
- Essential workers as defined by CISA, OR
- Living in multigenerational households, OR
- Living in communities where more than 45% of the homes do not have pipe, septic tank or covered haul system (“unserved communities”)
Other eligible groups (all tiers of Phase 1a and Phase 1b, Tier 1) include:
- Anyone who is assisting a senior (age 65+) in getting vaccinated
- People who provide daily support for a medically fragile person
- Healthcare, EMS and Fire Service staff/volunteers
- Pre K–12 and child care education staff
- People living or working in congregate settings
- Pandemic response staff