This survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete, the results of which will assist with the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan. All answers will be confidential.

This survey closes on 30th November 2015.

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* 1. What is your postcode?

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* 2. If you know your electoral roll number please tell us. This is not compulsory but will ensure that you are residing in the parish.

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* 3. What is your local connection to Malborough?

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* 4. Please tell us how many of each of the age ranges are living in your household?

  1 2 3 4 5 6+

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* 5. Do you consider that you have a need to move in the next 5 years?

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* 6. Do you consider that anyone within your immediately family has a need to move in the next 5 years?

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* 7. Please tell us about your current property?

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* 8. Is this home your....

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* 9. How many bedrooms does your home have?

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* 10. Is your housing requirement or need likely to change in the next 10 years?

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* 11. Do you have family members who wish to live in the village?

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* 12. What type of accommodation are they likely to need ?

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* 13. What is your and/or partner's combined annual household income?

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* 14. Do you believe you have sufficient funds to purchase a property on the open market?

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* 15. If you rent your home, how much do you pay each month?

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* 16. Are you registered with Devon Home Choice, if yes please provide your registration number?

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* 17. Are you registered with Help to Buy South West, if yes please provide your registration number?

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* 18. Why would you like or need to move. Please detail?

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* 19. What type of home would you like to move in to?

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* 20. How many bedrooms would you need?

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. This survey will be for the sole use of South Hams District Council. Information will not be shared with any third party. The responses that you give will not include any names or addresses when the final report is compiled.