MAIA's Annual Convention & Trade Fair
Tell Us About Your Experience....

Thank You...for participating in The BIG Event 2017!  It's important to us to know how this experience was for you so that we can continue to improve this annual event. Please complete the short evaluation form below and submit it by clicking the "Submit" button. Your responses will be reviewed by the Big Event Team. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Heather Kramer, Vice President & COO at 508-634-7369 or by email at 

Question Title

* 1. Your Name: 

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* 2. Your Agency:

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* 3. Email Address:

Question Title

* 4. Did you find the event valuable to you?

Question Title

* 5. Was your registration process easy? 

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* 6. Did the sessions you attended meet your expectations? 

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* 7. For the Thursday, Full Day Pre-Conference Intensives, are there any specific topics you would like us to offer?

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* 8. Are there any specific topics that you would like to see offered during the Friday or Saturday program?

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* 9. Did you experience any difficulties?  If so, what were they?

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* 10. What was the best session you attended?

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* 11. Any additional comments?