Thank you for participating in the North Carolina Longleaf Honor Roll!

Longleaf pine forests are valuable – providing wildlife habitat and recreation as well as serving as an economic and cultural pillar of North Carolina. Most longleaf pine is owned by private landowners; it is important to recognize those people who are doing a good job managing their longleaf pine and thank them for a job well done, but also to encourage their neighbors and friends to undertake similar activities.

That’s why the North Carolina Longleaf Coalition created the Longleaf Honor Roll to recognize those landowners who are working to improve stands and balance all the values of a longleaf forest – wood products, wildlife habitat, recreation as well as aesthetics.

Every longleaf stand matters, so no forest is too small or too young to qualify if it meets eligibility requirements. Landowners must:

1. Have a current forest management plan
2. Actively manage their longleaf with prescribed fire:
For longleaf up to 5 years old, they must complete at least one post-establishment burn AND/OR
For longleaf 5 years and older, they must complete at least two prescribed burns in the last 10 years.
If their longleaf is 6-9 years old and they have not yet completed their 2nd post-establishment burn, please encourage them to do so and reapply on their behalf when it is completed. 
3. Reduce negative impacts from pine straw production, if harvesting straw, by raking on rotation with periods of rest and burning