Scholarship details

 The Lochrie Indigenous Australian Education Scholarship

Established by the University of Melbourne, the scholarship is available to Indigenous Australian* students who have enrolled or are enrolling in the course for the degree of Master of Teaching at the University of Melbourne to commence in 2019.

One or more high-achieving Indigenous Australians will receive a scholarship of $6,000 per year over the two-year duration of their course.

If no such eligible candidates exist in any given year or where sufficient funds allow, then the fund may also support research in the field of Indigenous education at the University of Melbourne.

Open to first-year Master of Teaching students or Indigenous Australian students undertaking research in Indigenous education.
Application Process:
Please complete the following questions and submit any supporting documentation by 11:59 pm 15 January 2019. Please note that late applications will not be considered. Please submit supporting documentation via email to:  When emailing documentation, please put The Lochrie Indigenous Australian Education Scholarship - Your name and student number or application number in the subject line of your email.
Previous University of Melbourne students do not need to submit academic transcripts as we can access them for application assessment.
If your previous study was at an institution other than the University of Melbourne, you will need to email copies of your academic transcripts** from that institution to:

* Applicants must be an Australian citizen of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. The status of indigenous Australians must be confirmed by Murrup Barak Melbourne's Institute for Indigenous Development.

**Transcripts must be a copy of the official academic transcript (not an unofficial statement).  Certified copies may be required to be provided upon request.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Previous Tertiary Qualifications

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* 3. Previous Tertiary Qualifications - Complete if you have obtained more than one tertiary qualification.

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* 4. Previous Tertiary Qualifications - Complete if you have obtained more than two tertiary qualifications.

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* 5. Evidence of Awards, Prizes or other Indicators of Academic Merit (maximum of 200 words). Email any supporting documentation as per advice at top of page.

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* 6. If undertaking the Master of Teaching, what are your teaching aspirations? (Max. 300 words)

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* 7. If undertaking research, what is your research about and how will it benefit Indigenous education? (Max. 300 words)

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* 8. Do you have any circumstances that impact you financially? If so, how important is it to you that you gain a scholarship to undertake the course?