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* 1. Please enter your name / phone number

In KCTC we work together to make the most of our talent in a learner friendly way.

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* 2. Please write a short meaning below of your understanding of literacy and numeracy?

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* 3. How did you score on your literacy and numeracy assessments?

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* 4. The areas in which I did well (please tick)

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* 5. The areas in which I might need a little help (please tick)

What is an assessment?

  • An assessment is a test.
  • We run assessments to see what you have learned on the course.
  • An assessment tells us how you are doing.

Your instructor will tell you about the assessment and when it will be.  


 If you want to get your cert (certificate), you must do Assessments.

 If you cannot attend an assessment, you must inform the General Manager/Instructor beforehand with a valid reason.

If you need additional help during your assessment, tell your Instructor now!

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* 6. Please describe below the additional help you might need to do an assessment?

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* 7. Information about Assessment

Rules for assessment day
  • Learners cannot leave within the first 15 - 30 minutes or the last 15 - 30 minutes of an assessment.
  • Leave books, notes, papers and mobile phones outside.
  • Listen when the supervisor reads out the instructions you might miss something important.
  • Stop work when time is finished.
  • Give your assessment to your Instructor at the end.
  • Do your own assessment.
  • If you cheat, you can fail your Assessment.
What happens if I don’t show up?
  • If a learner does not show up for an assessment they will be marked absent and you may not be able to complete that module.
  • Learners who cannot attend an assessment for an acceptable and valid reason will be given the opportunity to repeat it. Up to a maximum of 3 times.
  • Unhappy with your results?
  • You will get your assessment results after each assessment or module you complete.
  • If you are not happy with the result you are given you can talk to the instructor of the module about why you got that result.  Your instructor will always provide you with feedback to help you develop your skills and to encourage you to get the best results you can.
  • If you are still unhappy about the result after talking to your instructor, you can apply to have the result checked “Appeal the result”.  You must then speak to the CTC manager.  An appeal must be completed within 10 days of officially receiving your result.


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* 8. Marks / Results

If you are aiming to gain a Level 3 qualification you will receive either of two results:

Successful (S)    or   Referral (R)

(Referral means that you have not successfully completed all the assessments in a module and you will have to resubmit your work.)

Learners who train to gain a Level 4 qualification will be graded based on the work they submit for assessment.

Fail -  under 50
Pass - 50 - 64
Merit - 65 - 79
Distinction - 80 - 100

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