Rate each statement according to how strongly you feel about the statement.  0 being low and 100 being high.  

Question Title

* 1. I have multiple mentors or guides who challenged me to step outside of my comfort zone.

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 2. I have experienced at least three major setbacks or failures in which I have learned major leadership lessons.

0 100
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Question Title

* 3. I have evaluated a variety of bosses/leaders with different management styles and could discuss strengths and weaknesses of each one.

0 100
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Question Title

* 4. I have taken huge risks in my leadership and I have evaluated those risks to determine how to make better risks.

0 100
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Question Title

* 5. I am curious about understanding the values of others and desire to hear about how their values have shaped their decisions and personal experiences.

0 100
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Question Title

* 6. I can specifically list the top flaws that individuals who work around or live with me would state that is holding me back from leading at a higher level.   

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 7. I know the key problems that people on my team face and they seek me out for advice and counsel on very personal issues.

0 100
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Question Title

* 8. I am intentional about opening myself to new experiences including traveling to different cultures in order to learn how to look at situations differently.

0 100
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Question Title

* 9.
I find it easy to read, study, and learn new things in a variety of areas. I am always seeking out ways to grow and develop.

0 100
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Question Title

* 10. I have successfully completed multiple stretching job assignments that others failed to complete before me.

0 100
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Question Title

* 11. I seek to understand the concerns that each member of my team might have when starting a new project.

0 100
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Question Title

* 12. I schedule consistent blocks of time in my calendar to reflect, think, and vision so that I can keep a clear mind on my top objectives.

0 100
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Question Title

* 13. I am seen as an expert in my industry or career field because I have created something unique to my industry 

0 100
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Question Title

* 14. I get excited about taking advantages of opportunities to step outside of my comfort zone.

0 100
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Question Title

* 15. I have been able to reset my dreams and vision to each new position I have found myself?

0 100
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Question Title

* 16. I know exactly where I need to grow to achieve what's next for me.

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 17. Address