Thank you for taking the time to take this survey. Responses collected will be used by the Library's Community Needs Response Planning Committee to evaluate community needs and identify ways the Library can better serve our community.

Question Title

* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. How long have you lived in the greater Bennington area?

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* 3. Where do you get the majority of community news and events? (choose one)

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* 4. Which factors are most important to you when it comes to your quality of life in the Bennington area? (choose three)

Question Title

* 5. What would you say is the most critical issue facing Bennington today?

Question Title

* 6. Do you have a Bennington Public Library card?

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* 7. On average, how often do you visit the library?

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following library services are most important to you? (choose three)

Question Title

* 9. How would you rate your experience with the following library services?

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know/not applicable
Customer service
Collection (books, audiobooks, DVDs, STEAM/Discovery kits, etc.)
Programming (Storytime, Teen Time, Book clubs, etc.)
Technology (public computers and printers, internet/WI-FI, copy & fax services, etc.)
Online services (website, catalog, research databases, etc.)
Community meeting areas and study rooms
Hours of operation

Question Title

* 10. How could the Bennington Public Library or its services be improved, if at all?

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* 11. How does the Bennington Public Library benefit you or the community?

Question Title

* 12. Additional Comments: