Patron Feedback Form: cloudLibrary mobile app Give us your feedback on our new mobile checkout app! We would love to hear what you think about our new mobile app. The survey will take less than 1 minute and all data is completely anonymous. Thank you for your feedback! OK Question Title * 1. How did you learn about the new cloudLibrary App? Notice from the selfcheck Library website Library social media Library staff member Another library patron told me Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 2. What did you like about the new app? OK Question Title * 3. What features did you like the most about the new App? (Check any features you like the most) Virtual library cards to use at the selfcheck and switching between multiple cards. Geo-location feature that presents your virtual library card when approaching the library. Push notifications Book Bag feature to organize items before returning them. Active receipts for organizing items that have been checked out. “Heart” feature for marking your favorite individual titles. Customized background and profile image Mobile checkout feature and Fastlane pad for checking out physical items OK Question Title * 4. Any further feedback on the app experience? OK DONE