This project is in the early stages and we need your input! Your feedback is very important.

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* 1. Do you have safety concerns at times while traveling on Lakewood Road?

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* 2. Do you regularly experience traffic delays while driving on Lakewood Road?

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* 3. Focusing specifically on the intersection of Lakewood and Miller Road.  How frequently have you experienced traffic delays at this intersection?

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* 4. Of the following issues related to intersection improvements, please rank which is most important to you, with “1” being the most important and “3” being the least important:

  1 2 3
Minimize Car Crashes
Improve Pedestrian/Bicycle Safety
Decrease Traffic Delays

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* 5. How likely would you/your family be to utilize the following pedestrian and/or bicycle improvements if they were installed along Lakewood Road?

  Very Likely Somewhat Likely Not Very Likely
Dedicated Bicycle Lane (bike lane directly adjacent to vehicle travel way)
Sidewalk (foot path)
Multi-Use/Shared Use Path (path for pedestrians and bicyclists)

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* 6. Do you have any additional comments/concerns you would like to share?