Lake Saint Louis Land Use Regulations & Zoning Map Survey

In December 2018, the City hired PGAV Planners, a St. Louis-based consulting firm, to perform a comprehensive update of the City’s land use regulations (primarily Chapters 400-445 and Chapter 245 of the Municipal Code) and zoning map. The goal of the project is to update the land use regulations to implement recommendations of the City’s Comprehensive Plan, incorporate best practices, improve user-friendliness, guide more consistent decision-making, and simplify administration. Please take five minutes to complete this survey. Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. If you own or rent property in Lake Saint Louis, what is the current zoning designation for your property? (View current zoning map)

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* 2. What is your relationship to Lake Saint Louis?

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* 3. If you are a resident of Lake Saint Louis, how long have you lived in the City?

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* 4. Have you had any experience using the City’s Land Use Regulations including  zoning, subdivision, signage, parking, and landscaping regulations, and design guidelines)?

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* 5. Which best describes your experience using the City’s Land Use Regulations (including zoning, subdivision, signage, parking, and landscaping regulations, and design guidelines)?

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* 6. Have you conducted business with any of the following Lake Saint Louis Boards and Commissions? (Check all that apply)

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* 7. Which best describes your experience with the Lake Saint Louis Boards and Commissions and the development review process in general?

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* 8. Check all of the following features that you would like to see included in the updated regulations:

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* 9. Rate your level of concern for the following issues associated with future RESIDENTIAL development (Select from 1 to 5 with 5 being most concerned and 1 being least concerned).

  Least Concerned 2 3 4 Most Concerned
Lot Size
Building Height
Building Size
Building Setbacks
Off-Street Parking
On-Street Parking
Permitted Uses
Building Materials
Tree Preservation
Environmental protection
Stormwater runoff

Question Title

* 10. Rate your level of concern for the following issues associated with future COMMERCIAL development (Select from 1 to 5 with 1 being least concerned and 5 being most concerned):

  Least Concerned 2 3 4 Most Concerned
Lot Size
Building Height
Building Size
Building Setbacks
Off-Street Parking
On-Street Parking
Permitted Uses
Building Materials
Tree Preservation
Environmental protection
Stormwater runoff

Question Title

* 11. Should the City’s existing regulations be updated to be more or less restrictive than they are today?

  Less restrictive Stay the same More restrictive
Lot Size
Building Height
Building Size
Building Setbacks
Off-Street Parking
On-Street Parking
Permitted Uses
Building Materials
Tree Preservation
Environmental protection
Stormwater runoff

Question Title

* 12. Please share your comments or suggestions to improve the City’s Land Use Regulations and Development Procedures.

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* 13. Did we miss anything? Please share your comments or suggestions regarding the City’s Land Use Regulations and Zoning Map Update.

Question Title

* 14. If you would like to receive notifications regarding the Land Use Regulations Update, please share your email here. We will not share your email with anyone.

Thank you for sharing your input!