Bangor * Campbell * Holmen * Onalaska * West Salem

The La Crosse County Library Board values your input to assist us with our process to improve and expand services at our library locations.  Your answers will remain anonymous unless you are interested in participating at a future time in a focus group to assist us further. 

 If you are interested in participating in our focus groups in the future, please provide your contact information at the end of the survey.

Question Title

* 1. Do you have a library card?

Question Title

* 2. On average, how often do you visit the library?

Question Title

* 3. Which La Crosse County Library location do you use most often?

Question Title

* 4. Which other La Crosse County Library location do you visit occasionally?

Question Title

* 5. Which other libraries do you visit?

Question Title

* 6. If you use other libraries that are not part of the La Crosse County Library, what services are you receiving that you would like to see at a La Crosse County Library location?

Question Title

* 7. How important is each of the following services to you?

  Very Imporant Important Somewhat Important Not Important Don't know/Not Applicable
Borrowing materials (books, DVDs, audio books, music, magazines, etc.)
Reference (research assistance from librarians)
Programs (classes, story times, etc.)
Help using computers, printers, etc.
Study rooms/reading areas
Community meeting rooms
Internet access
ILL (Inter-library loan)
Online services (website, catalog, Overdrive, research databases)
Photocopier, Printing, Fax Services
Newspapers and magazines
Notary services
Homebound services
Exam Proctoring
Overall, how important is the library to you and your family?

Question Title

* 8. How would you rate each of the following library services at La Crosse County Library?

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know/not applicable
Customer service
Collection (books, DVDs, audio books, music, magazines, newspapers, etc.)
Programs for children (classes, story times, etc.)
Programs for adults (classes, lectures, movies, etc.)
ILL (Inter-library loan)
Library policies
Computers and printers
Internet access
Hours of operation
Overall, how would you rate the library?

Question Title

* 9. What do you value most about the library?

Question Title

* 10. How could the library, its services or collections be improved?

Question Title

* 11. How does the library benefit you or the community?

Question Title

* 12. Please share any suggestions as to how La Crosse County Library could better serve your needs or the community's needs.

Question Title

* 13. If you do not use any of the five La Crosse County Library locations, why not?

Question Title

* 14. Is the library relevant to you?  If not, what would make it relevant?

Question Title

* 15. Thank you for your time!  If you are interested in participating at a future time in a focus group to assist us further, please provide your contact information below.