The purpose of this form is for a Parent or Guardian to give permission for a Minor to participate in the Koroneburg Renaissance Festival, photo/video permission, to provide emergency contact information for the Minor, and to establish responsibility on behalf of the parent/Guardian for the welfare/safety of the minor.

Question Title

* 1. Minor's Full Name

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* 2. Minor's Date of Birth

I attest that I am at least 18 years of age and am the legal guardian or parent of the above named minor (“Minor”). I consent to the Minor participating in the Koroneburg Renaissance Festival (“Festival”)."

I agree to be responsible for the above named Minor during the Festival and to be liable for any damages or actions taken by the Minor during the time of the Festival. I agree not to hold the Koroneburg Renaissance Festival, Riverview Recreation Park, Riverside County, or the Army Corp of Engineer’s liable or responsible for any loss or injury sustained by the Minor arising in connection with his/her participation in the Festival. I further consent to photos and video being taken of the Minor during the course of the Festival, and for these pictures or recordings to be used in the marketing and promotion of the Festival.

Question Title

* 3. Parent/Guardian Full Name

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* 4. Contact Number (In case of emergency)

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* 5. By typing my name below I signify that I agree to uphold the terms of this agreement.