It's so helpful to hear your feedback on what we're doing so we can keep improving Kōrero.

Question Title

1. Overall, how would you rate Kōrero in 2023?

Question Title

2. What kinds of Kōrero articles do you find most valuable or enjoyable?
Rate them from 1 (least enjoyable) to 5 (most enjoyable).

  1 2 3 4 5
Personal devotionals
Church news and updates
Theological analyses
Stories on local people/ministries
Topical reflections
Book/album reviews
Ministry tips and tricks
Messages from Bishop Steve

Question Title

3. Kōrero...
Choose how strongly you agree with each statement.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
Connects me with the rest of the diocese
Keeps me up to date with news and events
Represents my parish or deanery well
Is interesting and inspiring
Is important and valuable
Sometimes shares things I don't agree with
Sometimes teaches me something new

Question Title

4. How do you feel about the current weekly distribution of Kōrero?

Question Title

5. Is there anything you'd like to see more of in future Kōrero newsletters?

Question Title

6. Is there anything you think could be improved on in future Kōrero newsletters?