A project by Climate FORTH

There is £45,000 to spend on protecting Kincardine's heritage – now we need your help to decide where it goes.

Earlier this year, members of your community came together to discuss local heritage and climate change. The group agreed on 7 priority heritage assets, as well as some actions that could help to protect them from climate change impacts.

The next step is to decide which actions are taken forward with support from the £45,000 funding. Tell us which projects are most important to you, and contribute to the protection of heritage in Kincardine.

The survey should take less than 10 minutes. Thank you for taking the time to complete it!


Want to learn more about the project and how we got to this stage? Read the Local Resilience Plan here.

This initiative is supported by funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund, with additional contributions from the UK Government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund via Fife Council, as well as NatureScot and community crowdfunding efforts.
Privacy and your data

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* We need to collect your name and postcode to confirm that you live in the funding area. This information will be held securely and deleted at the project end. It will not be shared with any third parties or used to contact you in the future. Our full privacy statement is available here.

Check yes to confirm that you have read and agree to the above information. If you do not agree, please close this survey.

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* What is your name? Please include a first name and surname.

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* What is your postcode?

Heritage in Kincardine

Members of your community have already discussed solutions that could help each heritage asset to become more resilient to climate change.

These solutions could become real actions through funding. Please read the descriptions below. You will be asked to split the £45,000 between heritage assets, so think about which ones you think should receive funding for these actions.

If you would like to read about these solutions in greater detail, this can be found in the Local Resilience Plan here (p13-20). If you are on a device that makes the below difficult to read, access the image here and zoom in.

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Allocating the funding

You have a vote in how the £45,000 fund is split. There are 9 questions below, each one represents £5,000 of the total fund. Please indicate how you would like that £5,000 to be spent by checking your chosen heritage asset below it. You can split up the total in any way and the order does not matter.

Examples: If you choose Kincardine Bridge for all 9 questions, this represents a vote for £45,000 to be spent on it alone. If you choose Kincardine Bridge for 2 questions and Woodlea Cemetery for the other 7, this represents £10,000 for Kincardine Bridge and £35,000 for Woodlea Cemetery.

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How should the funding be spent?

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* £5,000 of £45,000 (1 of 9)

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* £5,000 of £45,000 (2 of 9)

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* £5,000 of £45,000 (3 of 9)

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* £5,000 of £45,000 (4 of 9)

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* £5,000 of £45,000 (5 of 9)

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* £5,000 of £45,000 (6 of 9)

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* £5,000 of £45,000 (7 of 9)

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* £5,000 of £45,000 (8 of 9)

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* £5,000 of £45,000 (9 of 9)

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* Do you have any further thoughts on how the funding should be allocated within heritage assets? (E.g. which specific solutions should be prioritised.)