The Purpose of this Survey

The recent burglary and property damage caused by a group of non-residential hoodlums and recently, local thugs have escalated concerns from several local whanau who are feeling vulnerable and unsafe.
Additionally, the Nuhaka community were notified they will soon no longer have a Police officer reside in our community raising concerns of potential increase in further invasion of our properties and privacy by cohorts looking to take advantage of the situation.
This questionnaire seeks to gather data to determine the best approach to keeping our whanau and their property safe from vandals and thieves.

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* 1. Does Nuhaka whānau support the establishment of a Neighbourhood Support Plan?

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* 2. Will / can you readily volunteer to assist with establishing a Neighbourhood Support Plan?

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* 3. Do you have any suggestions or recommendations that would help establish a Neighbourhood Support Plan?

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* 4. Besides the Police and Wairoa District Council who else do you think could assist with establishing our plan?

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* 5. What resources/tools do you think would help build the plan?

eg. Signage, Security cameras, night patrols.