Sharing Your Story:

Thank you for completing this survey. We will post a summary on our main event page once we have feedback from all the participants. We hope you had a great time and will join us again next year!

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* 1. What is the name of your unit?

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* 2. Tell us about your unit.

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* 3. Please indicate a contact person and email address.

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* 4. How many HOURS/BABY/DAY did your unit achieve during your Kangaroo-a-thon?
(Calculate:  sum of time held each day for ALL eligible infants divided by eligible census divided by the number of days in your event)

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* 5. If you took this opportunity to throw down the Kangaroo Challenge to 3 other units, please tell us who they are.

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* 6. What impact did the Kangaroo Challenge have on the practice of kangaroo care in your unit? 

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* 7. We chose to participate in the Kangaroo Challenge because ...

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* 8. If you participated in the Kangaroo Challenge in a previous year, have you been able to sustain the changes you made during that kangaroo-a-thon?  Why or why not?

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* 9. What significant barrier did you address during the challenge and what improvements were you able to implement to overcome it? (even if it is just the beginning of change)

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* 10. Please share some highlights from your kangaroo-a-thon that made your event special, rewarding or particularly memorable for:

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* 11. This year we chose mental health as a focus for the Challenge. If you used this theme, describe how you incorporated it into your event? If you chose another focus, what it was and how you incorporated it?

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* 12. Who were your main Champions that helped promote kangaroo care during the challenge?

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* 13. How did the Champions you identified in question #12 facilitate or influence change in your unit?

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* 14. Although the emphasis of the Kangaroo Challenge is on improving  the implementation and execution of Kangaroo Care in the NICU, all units struggle with those babies whose parents are unable to be involved.  If you have observed this as a barrier and have implemented volunteer cuddlers in your unit, how many hours were babies cuddled by volunteers?