This is Jowonio's annual parent evaluation. The information we receive will help improve the school and also provide data about Jowonio's impact, to be shared with funders and community organizations. Our goal is to get at least a 90% return from families. So please take a few minutes to complete this survey and support your child's school!

Question Title

* Child's Classroom (if you have more than one child enrolled, please check all that apply):

Question Title

* I have more than one child attending Jowonio this year. (If you answer yes, note that you will not need to complete the survey more than once. If your answers to certain questions would be different for each of your children, you can simply indicate that in the comment box for those questions.):

Question Title

* My child(ren)'s month(s) and year(s) of birth:

Question Title

* Number of days per week my child participated in a Jowonio classroom:

Question Title

* My child receives special services from Jowonio staff (i.e. speech therapy, OT, PT, special education):