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Thank you so much for your interest in joining the Garden Court Community Association's Zoning and Development Committee. As a reminder, our boundaries are 45th Street, Locust Street, 52nd Street, and Cedar Avenue. We have as many as five of our thirteen seats to fill and are looking for members who will bring a broad array of perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table. Please complete this application by 31 July 2023. 

In August we will review applications and, depending on the number of submissions, conduct a few casual interviews. We expect a slate of members to be confirmed by the GCCA Board at its September meeting. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate them to send them to Jonas Maciunas, committee chair, at

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* 1. First, have you read our post (linked here) about what the GCCA Zoning Committee is and why we're calling for new members?

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* 2. Zoning Committee members must be GCCA members in good standing. Please confirm that you are by checking the box below. Click here to join if you're not!

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* 3. Please provide your contact information. To be eligible to join the committee, you must be a resident, business owner, or employed within the boundaries of Garden Court (45th, Locust, 52nd, Cedar).

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* 4. Committee members must be at least 16 years old, and we try and maintain a range of age perspectives; how old will you be as of 9/1/21?

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* 6. Do you rent or own your home?

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* 7. What relevant experiences, skills, or knowledge would you bring to the committee? These can include, but don't need to be limited to, your profession or education. Lived experiences in our community (or faraway places!) improve our work together.

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* 8. Everybody gets interested in zoning for different reasons and a range of interests helps us in our work. Please indicate how important each of the following issues is to you.

  Not at all important A little important Somewhat important Very important
Retail vitality
Adding more housing
Preventing new construction
Housing affordability
Preservation/expansion of parking
Design excellence of new construction
Preservation of historic character
Street trees and front gardens

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* 9. Please affirm (by checking each box) the following basic committee member responsibilities and expectations.

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* 10. Finally, how did you learn about the opportunity to apply to the zoning committee?