Saying good bye is hard. Let us know how we can improve!

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* 2. What is going to be better at your next job?

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* 3. How likely is it that you would recommend JLL to a friend or colleague?


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* 4. How effectively did you feel your skills were put to use here?

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* 5. How easy was it to get the resources you needed to do your job well at JLL?

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* 6. How much do you agree to the following statement? The facilities at JLL enabled my productivity.

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* 7. How satisfied were you with your pay for the work you did at JLL?

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* 8. How often did you feel your contributions were recognized?

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* 9. How often did your supervisor listen to employees' opinions when making decisions?

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* 11. How clear were the expectations that were set for you?

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* 12. How comfortable did you feel voicing your opinions?

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* 13. How well did your supervisor treat you?

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* 14. How difficult was it for you to balance your work life and personal life while working here?

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* 15. How safe did you feel at your employer's workplace?

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* 16. Overall, did you feel that your work environment was positive or negative?

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* 17. Overall, how much did you like working here?

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* 18. What could we have done differently to retain you?

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* 19. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?