Jenice Riley Memorial Scholarship Application |
Applications due 11:59p.m. CT Wednesday, April 30, 2025.
The Alabama Humanities Alliance annually awards teacher scholarships to support K-8 Alabama educators who excel at helping students engage with history and civics. Scholarships are awarded through a competitive application process. Teachers can use their $2,000 award for history- and civics- related classroom projects or for professional development. The proposal theme for 2025 is "Rights and Responsibilities." All Riley Scholarship proposals must address how funds will be used to enhance teaching and learning about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
A completed application will consist of the following:
(1) Answers to all questions below
(2) Resume/CV (attached)
(3) Essay (attached) that includes your thorough project narrative
(4) Detailed Budget (attached) that includes where/how funds will be used
(4) Letter of support from an administrator, supervisor or employer. The letter should be addressed to Alabama Humanities Alliance, Attn: Laura Anderson, 1100 Ireland Way, Suite 202, Birmingham, AL 35205. The letter may be sent directly by mail to the address above or submitted via email (landerson@alabamahumanities.org).