This online form is required to be filled out, in its entirety, for every child attending camp this summer, regardless of whether they have attended in the past. We must have this form and immunization records no later than May 22.

Question Title

* Your Child

Question Title

* Child's Gender

Question Title

* Child's Date of Birth

Question Title

* Child's Incoming Grade (as of September 2020)

Question Title

* Child's School (as of September 2020)

Question Title

* Child's Primary Address

Question Title

* Child's T-Shirt Size

Question Title

* Who resides in the household where the child lives? Check all that apply.

Question Title

* Primary Parent/Guardian

Question Title

* Secondary Parent/Guardian (if applicable)

Please list AT LEAST two people (other than the parent/guardians listed above) to contact in case of an emergency if a parent
cannot be reached. These individuals will also be authorized to pick-up your child.

Question Title

* Emergency Contact / Authorized Person To Pick Up My Child #1

Question Title

* Emergency Contact / Authorized Person To Pick Up My Child #2

Question Title

* Emergency Contact / Authorized Person To Pick Up My Child #3 (optional)

Question Title

* Emergency Contact / Authorized Person To Pick Up My Child #4 (optional)

Question Title

* Emergency Contact / Authorized Person To Pick Up My Child #5 (optional)

Question Title

* Emergency Contact / Authorized Person To Pick Up My Child #6 (optional)

Question Title

* Emergency Care

Question Title

* Does your child require staff supervision at more than a 10:1 ratio to safely participate in our program?

Question Title

* Does your child receive special services (IEP, 504, Speech, OT, PT) in any other settings (school, home, other) currently or in the past?

Question Title

* Will your child be able to transition successfully between activities and participate in group play?

Question Title

* Please select any allergies or food allergies/restrictions your child has? (i.e.- peanut allergy, vegetarian, etc.)

Question Title

* Does your child take any medications or have any medical conditions we should be aware of?

If your child will be bringing medication to camp, please fill out information below and bring your child’s medication in its original packaging in a clear, labeled plastic bag along with current written doctor’s instructions for administration during camp hours. Our Health Director will be responsible for administering your child’s medication as per instructions from his or her doctor.

Children with allergies, seizure disorders, diabetes, or any other chronic health condition must submit a current action plan from their doctor to Jefferson to have on file, in case of emergency.

Question Title

* Medication

Question Title

* Please let us know about any recent surgery or serious injury (type & date)

Question Title

* Chronic or recurring illness, condition, or diet

Question Title

* Does your child have any restrictions on activity?

Question Title

* Is there other information that our staff should be aware of that would make your child's participation at camp successful?

Question Title

* What days of the week do you anticipate your child attending camp?

Question Title

* What weeks do you anticipate your child attending?

Question Title

* What time do you anticipate dropping your child off in the morning?

Question Title

* What time do you anticipate picking your child up in the afternoon?

Question Title

* IF you would like to grant permission for your child to walk home from camp (ages 10+ only), please indicate which days this applies to and what time they should be released from camp. They will need to sign themselves out at the front desk. Should we need to discuss something with you, we may call you to come in/pick them up instead.

Question Title

* Assess your child's swimming abilities

Question Title

* Has your child participated in a program like this before?

Question Title

* How did you hear about our summer camp?

Question Title

* What are the top factors influencing your decision to send your child to summer camp at Jefferson?

Question Title

* Please tell us a little bit about your child (likes, dislikes, hobbies, personality traits) - we can pass on this info to their counselor so they feel a little more welcome on their first day!