Any Full Members Association wishing to host and facilitate the IAA Council and Committee Meetings (CCM) must complete and return this form for consideration by the Executive Committee (EC). The purpose of this form is to assist the EC in considering invitations, taking into account geographical region, proposed dates, accessibility, cost and other issues.
The IAA negotiates and signs the contract with the hotel and assumes all financial responsibility for the meetings. The Secretariat of the IAA is responsible for making the arrangements with respect to bedrooms, meeting rooms and other logistical requirements.

The IAA CCM are held twice per year as per the following formats:
Small meeting: Limited to IAA statutory committees (those who directly report to Council) and other committees directly connected to our supranational bodies IASB and IAIS.  

Large meeting: Open to all IAA committees and Forums (excluding virtual forums)

To view a list of approved meeting dates and locations, please refer to the IAA website

Question Title

* 2. Contact information

Question Title

* 3. Type of meeting requested (see above for details): 

Question Title

* 4. Preferred meeting dates - 1st choice


Question Title

* 5. Preferred meeting dates - 2nd choice


Question Title

* 6. Will the IAA meetings be held in conjunction with a special event within your association?

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* 7. Please indicate how the meeting will benefit the actuarial profession, both locally and internationally. 

Question Title

* 8. Proposed city:

The inviting association is responsible for organizing and hosting a seated dinner for IAA delegates and accompanying persons at no cost to the Delegates nor the IAA; approx. 100 for a small meeting and 250 for a large one.

However, the IAA has an official dinner co-payment policy to make it easier for all Full Member Associations (FMAs) to host IAA CCM, especially smaller FMAs.

This dinner is a good opportunity for the host association to invite senior Government Officials, Regulators, Supervisors and others whose awareness of the global actuarial profession and the IAA we would wish to raise and introduce delegates to its country’s culinary and other customs.

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* 9. I have read the Official Dinner Co-payment Policy

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* 10. My association agrees to the IAA Dinner commitment

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* 11. Please use this box to add any further information not covered above

Full Member Associations hosting IAA meetings should take the following steps to ensure maximum benefit for their own association and the IAA.

a. Identify local or regional branches of supranational organizations regarding possible invitations from the IAA to the meetings or official IAA dinner.

b. Consult the Chairman of the Advice and Assistance Committee regarding any invitations relevant to their work.

c. Confirm the availability of financial and/or other incentives offered by local government or entities to organizations holding meetings in their city or country.

Question Title

* 12. Please specify by which date a response to this invitation is required:

Thank you for your interest in hosting CCM in the future. We will be in contact with you shortly regarding the next steps.