1. Welcome

Thank you for your interest in the Biophysical Society International Meeting Support Grant. The Society's International Relations Committee provides grants to promote and facilitate the organization of and attendance at biophysical meetings and courses in countries experiencing financial need. Funds are provided for workshops and meetings organized by current Society members, which are held in countries in need or in nearby countries where organizers will use the funds to help students from countries in need attend the meeting. Funds must be used to provide travel support for students and early career researchers.

Please fill out and submit the following application in order to be considered for meeting support. Only complete applications received by August 15 will be considered, and requests for funding must be made at least six months in advance of the meeting start date.

For submission requirements, please follow this link: http://www.biophysics.org/AwardsFunding/GrantsOpportunities/InternationalGrants/tabid/521/Default.aspx

You will be notified whether or not your application has been accepted by September 2016.