FSC Post-Internship & REU Survey

We are interested in hearing your opinions related to how we've prepared you for your internship. Your feedback will help us modify and improve courses and co-curricular offerings for others. We anticipate this survey will take at least 15 minutes to complete but not more than 30 minutes.

Questions with a * require an answer. When you hit the submit button at the end you should see a message "thank you for taking the FSC post-internship". If you do not see this message it means you might have missed a question and need to go back to answer that question.

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* 1. First name

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* 2. Last name

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* 3. FSC Student ID

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* 5. What class year did you do this internship or REU

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* 6. Where did you do your internship or REU (non profit name, business name, governmental office name etc)

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* 9. How did you arrange for the internship or REU? (select as many as are relevant)

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* 10. In two or three sentences please summarize what you did during your internship or REU:

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* 11. What did you find challenging about your internship or REU?

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* 12. What did you enjoy about your internship or REU?

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* 13. Would you recommend this internship or REU to others

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* 14. Students gain a variety of skills from participating in an internship or REU. Please indicate how much you think you gained in each of the following areas as a result of your internship or REU.

  None Very Little Some Very Much Not Applicable
Time Management
Leadership Skills
Written communication skills
Oral Communication Skills
Defining and Solving Problems
Innovative Thinking
Working Independently
Working as Part of a Group
Importance of Ethical Conduct
Ability to Analyze Data
Clarification of my Career Path
Utilizing Different Computer Software
Tolerance for Obstacles
Using Equipment not found at FSC
Ability to Evaluate and Give Constructive Feedback
Ability to Integrate Other's Feedback to improve work
Becoming Familiar with New Ideas and Developments in my field of interest

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* 15. From the list above, pick one skill that you feel you gained experience in and describe the activities of your internship or REU that helped you gain in that area

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* 16. Some students gain a better understanding of the content of their academic major during an internship or REU. Please tell us how your internship/REU helped you understand content better (for example you learned about pest management in class and in the internship/REU you used different methods to apply pesticides or you learned about the importance of visual layouts in class but then manipulated a press release so that it caught the reader's eye).

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* 17. Are there other skills you think you gained as a result of your internship or REU? If so, please tell us about them here

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* 18. How confident are you in your abilities to

  Not confident at all Somewhat confident Very confident
look for information about internships/REUs
look for information about summer jobs
look for information about a job post-graduation
network in an internship/REU position
write a good resume
write a good cover letter
communicate effectively with potential employers
complete an application for an internship/REU

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* 20. On a scale of 0 to 10 tell us how different (or alike) the internship/REU was from what happens in a typical classroom

  1 (most like what happens in the classroom) 2 3 4 5 (somewhat like what happens in the classroom) 6 7 8 9 10 (not at all like what happens in the classrom)
daily activities
the learning

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* 21. Is there a course (or courses) that you took at FSC that helped you develop the skills to be successful at your Internship/REU? If so, please use the space below to tell us which course(s) and the activities you did in the course(s) that helped build those skills.

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* 22. What were you NOT prepared for with your Internship/REU?

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* 23. For what were you well prepared?

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* 24. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?

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* 25. I am willing to have my responses shared publicly (we would remove identifying characteristics- i.e., any quotes will not have your first and last name)