We're excited that you are interested in working with a UF Student Consulting Team.
It's truly a win-win! Students gain valuable real-world experience and you receive much needed help.

Please complete this quick form and we'll do our best to match you with team of approx. 3-5 enthusiastic UF Student Consultants when your needs align with the timing of our academic offerings.

Keep in mind that most of our consulting engagements are approx. 6 weeks long (as our courses follow a "module" schedule). From time to time we can offer the help of a student team for a full 4 month semester, but that's exceptional. Most teams work for approx. 6 week sprints. 

Note that some of the questions below are optional. We'd love you to answer all of them, AND we understand your time is limited, so you may choose to leave the optional questions blank.
*If you're most interested in help completing the B Impact Assessment to become a Certified B Corporation, please don't complete the form below, instead, please complete the form linked here: http://go.ufl.edu/businessforgoodlab 

Questions? Contact Dr. Kristin Joys at socialimpact@warrington.ufl.edu ☺️

Question Title

* 1. Please list your name as well as the best email address & phone number to use when contacting you. We'd also love your mailing address where we might send mail via USPS.

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* 2. Which pronouns do you prefer? 

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* 3. Please provide a link to your website or business Facebook page, if you have one.

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* 4. Please provide your Linkedin link, if you have one.

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* 5. Please share with us about your venture-- what's your mission? (even if you don't have a formal mission statement, what is it you aim to do; feel free to paste from your website or other source).

Question Title

* 6. Please share with us about your venture-- when was your venture founded? How is your venture structured: is it setup as a for-profit business, a non-profit organization, a program, project, or something else? 

Question Title

* 7. Please share with us about your venture--  what products/services/offerings do you provide and who is your target audience / target market (feel free to paste from your website or other source)?

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* 8. Do any of the following apply to you and/or your venture? Please select all that apply.

Question Title

* 9. Which of the following do you currently have (please check as many boxes as applicable):

Question Title

* 10. Which of the following would be most helpful for you to receive help from a team of UF Student Consultants? 
Please rank your choices with #1 (at the top) being MOST important and #10 (at the bottom) being LEAST important, at this time.

Question Title

* 11. Please elaborate on your response above by telling us more about what you'd like the student consulting team to do for & with you. Please Keep in mind that most of our consulting engagements are approx. 5-7 weeks long, they are sprints rather than marathons. 

The more clear you are in stating what you'd like from the team, the better they can help & the stronger work they will produce. 

If you'd like their help with items not on the list above, please be sure to mention those things here. Examples of additional deliverables include: help with operations & record-keeping, help creating an online store, help choosing which app/program/software would be the best fit for your needs, help with grant applications, help developing a strategic communications plan, and help with planning events and/or fundraisers.   

Please remember this is a team endeavor-- the students should be working together as a team towards a common set of deliverables to achieve the goals you mentioned in the questions above. It's fine for students to take lead on different tasks that best fit their interests & skills, but the team of approx. 3-6 students working with you should not each have their own “project.” This helps them to learn the value of teamwork & collaboration. 

My hope is that students to experience what I learned from my mentor, Rebecca Brown, paraphrased here: 
There is something really magical that happens when we come together with others with the intention of making a positive impact in the world. What we end up creating is far greater than the sum of our individual efforts— it’s exponentially bigger & more powerful than what we could have ever imagined creating on our own.

Question Title

* 12. When would you most like to work with a student team?

Please rank the following options. #1 (at the top) is the best timing for you, #10 (at the bottom) is least desirable for your situation.

If the semesters are in the past, please rate them at the bottom of your list (we use this form year after year).

Question Title

* 13. Do you have a strong preference for working with a student team from Intro to Social Entrepreneurship, a student team from Rem on Campus, or a student team from Enactus? 

A bit about the differences & similarities was mentioned in the email you received with the link to this form.

If you have a strong preference, please explain below. If you do not have a strong preference, please leave this question blank.

Question Title

* 14. Preferences around Process & Progress

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* 15. Preferences around Engagement

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* 16. Preferences around Interaction