
Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Title(s)/Rank

Question Title

* 4. College/School

Question Title

* 5. Department/Unit

Question Title

* 6. Campus Mailing Address

Question Title

* 7. Phone

Question Title

* 8. Email Address

Question Title

* 9. Course Designator, Number: Title you propose to develop/revise (i.e.,  DANC 101: Dance Appreciation)

Question Title

* 10. Course Delivery Information

Question Title

* 11. Initiative Addressed in this application (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 12. Project Proposal Type (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 13. Unit Budget Manager’s Name

Question Title

* 14. Unit Budget Manager’s Email

Question Title

* 15. Unit Budget Manager’s Phone

Question Title

* 16. PeopleSoft A-Fund Budget Number

Question Title

* 17. Department Chair

Question Title

* 18. Project Narrative
The proposal's project narrative should include the following information and address the following criteria:
  1. The Course: Describe the course that you wish to revise or develop. Describe what it is you are currently doing and what you wish to revise or develop. Describe your student population.
  2. Goals: Describe the goal(s) for developing or revising the course. What is the purpose? What new assessment styles, pedagogical theories/models, active learning strategies, instructional technologies, or innovative techniques will be incorporated to enhance student learning? What new instructional content will be integrated into your curriculum? What types of student learning will be achieved with the content or delivery changes? Why do you want to convert the course to an online/blended or hybrid format (if applicable)?
  3. Pedagogical Methods: Discuss briefly what you are currently doing in your course and what proposed pedagogies you will incorporate into course development or revision.
  4. Student Learning Experience: Describe how this project will enrich the student learning experience, resulting in increased/improved student learning outcomes.
  5. Impact and Sustainability: How will this project improve student learning outcomes? How will the proposed deliverable be developed to ensure usage and continuity past the initial implementation? How often is the class taught and how many students complete, on average?

Question Title

* 19. Please upload Department Support Form.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 20. Please Upload Proposers CV.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File
Supplemental Questions

Question Title

* 21. Please answer the following:

  Yes No
Have you taught this course (face-to-face or online) previously?
Has this course been associated with any prior course-development grant funding from the Office of the Provost or CTE?
Applicant Affirmation

Question Title

* 22. If selected, I agree to:
  • Participate with fellow grant participants and CTE staff in a kickoff meeting to share ideas, resources, and discuss best practices. These meetings will occur on the Columbia campus.
  • Meet with a CTE staff member to discuss and outline proposed project development and implementation.
  • Consult with a CTE instructional designer throughout the project development process to ensure that materials developed meet university guidelines for design quality and ADA accessibility.
  • Teach the proposed course or implement the funded project by Spring 2024
  • Submit to present at a CTE workshop and/or Oktoberbest: A Teaching Symposium during the 2024-2025 academic year
  • Submit a final report no later than June 30, 2024.