
Purpose: Wikibrands (and partners) are identifying the key innovation foresights, emerging technologies, new business models, inspirations, and aspirations that corporate innovators are tapping for better futures.

The Output from this Survey:
Based on global expert feedback, we will be producing a general guide, trend monitor and an authoritative research piece on what actually works for companies trying to innovate their business models, new ventures, innovation extensions, and core business.

The Request:
To help us do this, we are surveying and interviewing some of the world's best and brightest minds who not only think about the future of innovation, but do it as well.

Expectation setting: Below is a simple survey. It will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. We may also follow up to interview you on some of your answers. We will be happy to share the final outcome of the report upon completion in Fall 2019. Part I of this survey on "Current Practices" will be presented to you as a link at the end of this initial survey. 

Note: for experts/consultants who work across companies, please answer from the perspective of the client you most frequently work with.

With thanks,

The team from Wikibrands and Partners
(Andrea Kates, Mary Graham, Paul Barter, Rahul Raj, Sean Moffitt, Sharon McIntyre, Hjötur Smárason, Monique Blough, Roland Harwood)
Connect with us @wikibrands, or directly at

Question Title

* 1. Your Contact information*
* - in order to break out your responses by industry/title/region and send you our report upon completion 

Question Title

* 3. What level of Involvement do you have with corporate innovation? (choose one)

Question Title

* 4. Innovation Interests  - as areas of future personal and professional curiosity, which of these topics are you "very interested" in (select as many as apply):

Question Title

* 5. Who do you listen to the most for sources of innovation thought leadership?

Question Title

* 6. Who is your most likely competitive threat to your business model over the next five years? (choose top one)

Question Title

* 7. What's the most interesting or creative spark you have ever put into practice to improve or distinguish  your innovation efforts?

Question Title

* 8. What part of the innovation process will you be most focused on improving in the future (choose top one):

Question Title

* 9. Predictions for the future :

  Extremely unlikely Unlikely 50/50 guess Likely Extremely likely
Radical Innovation will trump corporate risk management in the future 
The big will get bigger when it comes to corporate innovation
China's ascension will completely shift the ability of other geographies to lead in innovation.
Innovation and technology will become a lot more regulated
Innovation will need to take into account bigger societal concerns than just profit in the future
Africa will emerge as the significant leader in innovation as market needs shift to address new issues.

Question Title

* 10. Part 1 - The Best Business Model of The Future will be (choose top one):

Question Title

* 11. (continued Part 2) - The Best Business Models of The Future will be (choose top one):

Question Title

* 12. (continued Part 3) - The Best Business Models of The Future will be (choose top one):

Question Title

* 13. What will be the biggest hot topic/debate over the next 5 years on corporate innovation and business model opportunities, threats and/or culture?

Question Title

* 14. What is the balance you would like to see with the future of the corporate innovation (rank on the sliding scale for the ideal position closed/open position)

0- Closed 100 - Open
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 15. What is the balance you would like to see with the future of the corporate innovation (rank on the sliding scale for the ideal global/local position)

0- Global, Centralized 100 - Local, Decentralized
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 16. What is the balance you would like to see with the future of the corporate innovation (rank on the sliding scale for the ideal data/intuition position)

0- Driven by advanced data/analysis 100 - Driven by advanced intuition/creativity
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 17. What's is the top reason for innovative corporate organizations to partner with or acquire other companies/institutions/ startups in the future?

Question Title

* 18. What type of innovation partner do you consider the most desirable to team up with in the future? (choose top one)

Question Title

* 19. What emerging technology are you placing the biggest innovation investments on over the next 5 years?  (choose top 3)

Question Title

* 20. (Part 2) What emerging technologies are you placing the biggest innovation investments in over the next 5 years? (choose top 3)

Question Title

* 21. In one sentence, what is your aspiration for corporate innovation over the next decade?

Question Title

* 22. What's the one opportunity corporate innovators could learn and adopt from startups/disruptors?

Question Title

* 23. What's the one opportunity that you view as the most overlooked corporate innovation advantage vs. a startup/disruptor?

Question Title

* 24. Can we credit you with your comments from open-ended questions in the above survey publicly? 

Question Title

* 25. Would you like a copy of our Innovation report of this survey's findings?

Question Title

* 26. Would you be available for a 15-20 minute Interview for deeper insights on the attached survey?

Question Title

* 27. Is there anything else we should know about on "future foresights and business models" in corporate innovation?

Question Title

* 28. Is there anybody else we should talk to that may be interested in responding to this survey.