Infrastructure is like the "nuts and bolts" of the community: roads, sidewalks, ditches, electricity, water and sewer, garbage and recycling, public buildings, Internet, and other services.

Question Title

* 1. Do you think we have problems with on-reserve garbage? If yes, what are they and how do you think we should deal with them?

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* 2. What would your ideal garbage pick-up be like?

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* 3. Do you have any suggestions for on-reserve development? (Industrial, commercial, public use/park, or other)

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* 4. Is there any type of development that you would not support in Kitsumkalum? Please explain:

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* 5. Land Purchase: Kitsumkalum may have the opportunity to acquire lands in the future in the Terrace area and in the Prince Rupert area. What do you think we could use these lands for?

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* 6. Please rank the following from 1-7 in order of need: 1 is the type of housing we need the most to 7 the type of housing we need the least.

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* 7. If you were up charge of improving our community's housing situation, what are three things you would do?

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* 8. Have you read our community's housing policy?

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* 9. If training was offered, would you be interested in learning about any of the following? (Check all that apply)

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* 10. Has the housing situation in our community affected your life?

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* 11. Do you have any thoughts about public spaces/buildings in our community? Do we have enough public places to gather indoors and outdoors? Do we take care of our public buildings and parks?

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* 12. If you could make any improvements to our community's utilities (water, sewer, BC Hydro, Citywest, etc.) What would those improvements be?

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* 13. If you could make any changes to our community's transportation infrastructure (roads/sidewalks/street lighting/ etc.) What would you change?

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* 14. Do you have any other comments about housing or infrastructure?

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* 15. Do you have any other general comments for the community planning team?