It has been more than 2 years since our last IndieCommerce Institute. We are planning our next IndieCommerce Institute in Chicago, in conjunction with Book Expo America (BEA). Please help us develop a valuable experience for you, by taking a few minutes to complete this survey.

We realize that costs of travel, hotel and registration fees (not yet available) will influence your final decision about participation, but for now, we are curious about your store's interest in attending, budget permitting.

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* 1. Would you attend an IndieCommerce Institute, tentatively planned for Tuesday, May 10, 2016, 11am - 7 pm CT, in Chicago?

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* 2. Based on the level and nature of work you do on your IndieCommerce site, would you consider yourself a ....

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* 3. IndieCommerce Institutes typically include a tracked curriculum, each track focusing on a particular level of store staff expertise. Assuming we again offer two tracks, one for general users and another for experienced IndieCommerce/Drupal users, tell us which track(s) you would be interested in attending.