White font in all caps that reads "Illuminate Arts Festival" over a deep blue moon with a turquoise glow.

Volunteer for ILLUMINATE 2022

1.Name and pronouns(Required.)
2.Email address(Required.)
3.I expect to be available to volunteer for one or more shifts on the weekend of October 1, 2022 (Saturday evening into Sunday morning) or during the week leading up.(Required.)
4.[OPTIONAL] Shirt size for unisex cotton t-shirt (all scheduled volunteers will receive a t-shirt to wear over their coats during their shifts):
5.Due to Public Health regulations and the nature of this event, we are required to confirm vaccination status. Please choose from the following:(Required.)
6.This event is intended to highlight the artistic and creative works of 2SLGBTQ+, Indigenous, racialized, disabled, neurodiverse, fat, underwaged, and otherwise underrepresented individuals.

We have a strict anti-oppression policy and expect our volunteers to be committed to creating safer, more affirming spaces, and taking an active approach to allyship. 

We offer optional online training for all volunteers. If interested, please contact info@illuminateartsfestival.com
7.[OPTIONAL] Add more information, such as what volunteer roles you'd be interested in, relevant skills or training, etc:
8.[OPTIONAL] I require the following accomodations to ensure I may participate fully as a volunteer: