Note: Contact information is used so that T.E.N. can manage distribution in order to respect your inbox once you have responded. All data collected will remain anonymous.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information:

Question Title

* 2. PARTNER RISK: Please rate the following factors based on how they might affect your initial risk assessment of a third party partner prospect. (1 = MUCH LOWER RISK; 4 = NO EFFECT; 7 = MUCH HIGHER RISK)

  Lo 2 3 N/A 6 Hi
Very Large Partner Orgs (revenue, employees, etc.)
High IT activity (users, connections, volume, etc.)
Higher Contract Value
Highly Sensitive Data
Strong, positive third party audit results (SOC II, etc.)
Score indicating high risk (BitSight, SecurityScorecard, etc.)
Recent Breach at the Partner/Prospect 
Regulator action against partner/prospect

Question Title

* 3. CONTROLS: Please identify frequency of use with partners of the controls listed below (1=NEVER)

  1 2 3 4 6 7
Remote interviews of partner (phone, webinar, etc.)
On-site visits to partner facilities
Encrypted Communications
Firewall Isolated Networks
Multifactor authentication
User activity real-time monitoring (IDS, UBA, etc.)
Custom application protection (e.g. WAF, CASB, etc.)
Custom data protection (e.g. DLP, DRM, etc.)
Emulation, virtualization, containerization, etc.
3rd party online scoring service

Question Title

* 4. CONTROLS: Please identify importance of use with partners of the controls listed below (1=not at all)

  1 2 3 4 6 7
Remote interviews of partner (phone, webinar, etc.)
On-site visits to partner facilities
Encrypted Communications
Firewall Isolated Networks
Multifactor authentication
User activity real-time monitoring (IDS, UBA, etc.)
Custom application protection (e.g. WAF, CASB, etc.)
Custom data protection (e.g. DLP, DRM, etc.)
Emulation, virtualization, containerization, etc.
3rd party online scoring service

Question Title

* 5. COMMON OUTCOMES: How often do the following occur (1=never happens; 7=always happens)

  1 2 3 4 6 7
Your org rejects a 3rd party due to inadequate security
Your org identifies a security/control issue with 3rd party
Your org identifies a possible breach due to 3rd party
How often do any of 1,2,3 above happen to your org?***
Your org select a 3rd party due to superior security

Question Title

* 6. COMPARE: How does your company’s security rate compared to your avg 3rd party business partner?