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Question Title

* 1. Please provide the following information:

Question Title

* 2. IMPACT: Please rate the following cost/loss scenarios due to breach or security issues. Please assume all scenarios are confirmed and consider impact even if the probability is very low.  (1 = VERY LOW to 10 = VERY HIGH IMPACT)

  1 = LOW 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 = HIGH
Payment for $10,000 goods not received (due to breach)
Sony-style breach
Leak of key product/service design documents
Company-wide losses due to spam for a month
Loss of 25% of PCI credit card records
Loss of 75% of PCI credit card records
Unrecoverable wire transfer of $250,000
Public-facing website unavailable for a week
Leak of 50% of employee HR records
IT systems found as source of major attack against partner
Leak of significant financial results prior to public disclosure
25% of employees without computer access for 3 days
CEO or senior management infected with ransomware
Target-style breach
Cost of an average week of routine malware removals
FTC action for violation of fair-trade regulations
One year of IT security insurance premiums with no claims
Leak of 10% of PHI/PII customer records
Breach disclosure on front page of WSJ, etc.
Leak of RFP response to competitor prior to award
EU Global Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) violation
SEC or SOX rule violation