The PSA has lodged a dispute in the Industrial Relations Commission regarding icare's attempts to restrict access to Flexible Working Hours, as well as direct staff to take leave despite having a leave balance below 30 days.

The PSA has developed this short survey to assist with the matter.

This survey is private and confidential - we will not release your personal details.

Question Title

* 1. Due to Icare limiting access to the FWHA and their direction to staff to reduce leave balances, have you:

  Yes No N/A
Experienced difficulties balancing childcare and work?
Felt pressured to reduce your annual leave balance, despite being under 30 days?
Been unable to work more than standard hours even though there is work to do?
Been limited in your ability to provide great customer service?
Been asked to work overtime instead of Flex?
Been asked not to record your actual hours worked because they are above the 7 hour daily limit?
Had trouble in your team covering tasks/duties when people are on leave already?

Question Title

* 2. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Question Title

* 3. In order to validate the data collected please provide your details (these details will be kept confidential).