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Vendor Feedback

PWC vendors are an important part of the supply chain. We value vendor feedback and desire to create a vendor-friendly portal to assist vendors when doing business with PWC. 

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* 1. Have you logged into the PWC vendor portal to reset your the password or to create a new vendor account?

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* 2. If you are a local vendor, have you logged in to classify your business as local?

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* 3. Do you need assistance navigating the portal?

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* 4. Considering the entire iSupplier process, how would you rate the vendor friendliness of the system?

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* 5. Have you previously used a vendor portal to do business with other entities prior to iSupplier?

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* 6. If you have used a vendor portal previously, what agency portal was it?

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* 7. Did you utilize the PWC vendor manuals provided prior to logging in to iSupplier initially?

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* 8. If you used the vendor manuals, did you find them easy to follow?

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* 9. What did you like the most about the vendor portal?

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* 10. What did you like least about the vendor portal?

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* 11. What features are most important to you in the vendor portal?

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* 12. What is your preferred method of payment?

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* 13. Is there anything missing from the vendor portal you feel would help vendors sign up, navigate and/or communicate with PWC staff? 

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* 14. If you had a problem with the portal, was it clear whom to contact for assistance?

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* 15. Do you feel the portal is secure?

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* 16. Overall comments and/or concerns? Feel free to add suggestions. 

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* 17. Do you have any questions for PWC staff?

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* 18. If you would like PWC staff to reach out to assist with your vendor portal, please leave your information below:

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