Registration Form

Join the Governor’s Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force, the Ohio Network of Anti-Human Trafficking Coalitions and the Ohio Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers for our third Enhancing Ohio's Frontline Response to Human Trafficking Conference.

Through engaging sessions on labor trafficking, important conversations around 24-hour emergency response protocols and more, attendees will leave with tangible next steps for strengthening their community’s trafficking response. Topics will include new prevention and education tools for youth, an in-depth discussion and case study of labor trafficking in Ohio, and reaching and serving foreign national victims of human trafficking. We hope you can join us!

Conference date and time:        Friday, May 18th
                                                      9am - 5pm
                                                      Registration begins at 8:30am

Location:                                     Ohio Department of Transportation Main Auditorium
                                                     1980 W. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43223

Intended audience:                    Ohio’s anti-human trafficking coalitions and children's advocacy centers

Cost:                                            Free (lunch will be available onsite through the ODOT cafeteria at cost
                                                     to participants)

Question Title

* 1. First Name

Question Title

* 2. Last Name

Question Title

* 3. Email Address

Question Title

* 4. Organization/Agency/Coalition