All local authorities have a duty to publish a Short Breaks Statement which gives details of what short breaks provision is available for children and young people with disabilities in the borough. Our current statement can be viewed on our website,

This survey forms part of a consultation with families and of course, young people to help us understand more about you and your family, what you like or don't like about Short Breaks and how we can improve for the future - the results will be used to help us plan future programmes and to update our current Short Breaks Statement.

The survey should not take more than a few minutes to complete and we have provided a pre-paid envelope so that you can easily send it back to us. You can also fill it in online at

To answer the questions, please circle your chosen answer or tick the respective box. All questions are optional. If you need more space for your answers please continue of separate paper and send them back to us with the survey.

If you would like any help or would like to talk to the Short Breaks team about this survey or about availability of short breaks, please call on 0208 583 3636.