1. Introduction

Thank you for your interest in our upcoming Home Buyers Study with Plaza Research Los Angeles! We are looking for males and females of all ages to participate in a multi-part online journal and telephone interview. The research sessions will pay $950 spread over about 2 months of participation, from March 2016. If you qualify and participate, you will be paid for your time and opinions.

As with all Plaza Research studies, participants are booked on a first come first serve basis. Not all participants who complete this pre-questionnaire will qualify for this study, nor will everyone receive a callback. Please do not call in reference to this study. If you pre-qualify, a recruiter will contact you with further questions and details.

By clicking below, you are confirming you understand the above statements and policies. You are also agreeing to fill out this survey honestly to the best of your knowledge.

Question Title

* 1. As mentioned, this is a multi-part study that requires you to consistently communicate with our client, complete a journal assignment, email documents, etc. during the 45-60 day participation period starting the day you are approved for participation. It also includes a 60-minute phone interview near the conclusion of the study.

*Please note - Daily participation will be rare; participation happens sporadically and as instructed over the 45-60 days.

Can you commit to completing all portions if scheduled to participate?