Proposed changes to car parking around Holmesglen TAFE

Council is responding to community feedback through the Moorabbin Local Area Traffic Management Study about high levels of parking in the residential streets surrounding the Holmesglen TAFE and concern with the new Private Hospital being constructed on the site by expanding the parking restrictions around the area.

Council Action
Council has recently undertaken an extensive parking study of the area as part of the Moorabbin Local Area Traffic Management study. In April Council wrote to all Moorabbin residents seeking their feedback on traffic and parking issues in the area. More than 300 residents provided feedback which was used to create a traffic management plan for the area where there was significant support for expanding parking restrictions around the Holmesglen TAFE site.

Proposed changes
Council has proposed introducing some short-term time restrictions to on-street parking in the streets surrounding the Holmesglen TAFE site to encourage TAFE and hospital visitors to use the on-site parking instead of nearby residential streets. Proposed changes (as illustrated on the attached plan) include:
- Baker Street – north side between Clay Street and Chapel Road – 2 hour parking weekdays.
- Fiddes Street – east side between Baker Street and Horsmunden Road - 2 hour parking weekdays.
- Franklin Street – west side between Cooma Street and Buchan Street – 1 hour Resident Permit Area.
- South Road – south side between Fletcher Street and No. 512 – 4 hour 8am-5pm weekdays.
- Herne Close – at the TAFE end of the street - install an additional 1P area parking sign.

In Fletcher Street Council will also paint ‘hockey stick’ markings around driveways to ensure motorists are not blocking driveways.
Resident permits 
Residents living adjacent or opposite a time-based parking restriction will be eligible for a residential parking permit that will exempt them from the time restrictions. Council’s Parking Management Policy allows for two residential parking permits per single dwelling and one residential parking permit per dwelling for dual-occupancy units. Permits cost $20 a year, with the fee waived for the first permit for a single dwelling. Sub-divided lots with 3-or-more dwellings, multi-unit developments and businesses are not eligible for residential permits. These developments are expected to have on-site parking as required under the Kingston Planning Scheme.

Community Consultation – Have Your Say
Council invites you to provide feedback on the proposed changes to parking around the TAFE. Please complete this questionnaire by Friday 9 December 2016.

For further information please contact Traffic & Transport Planning Engineer, Hung Pham on 1300 653 356.

Question Title


Question Title

* 1.

Do you support the proposed changes to parking around the Holmesglen TAFE site?

Question Title

* 2.
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