We want you to engage with us now and in the future, so you can help shape the DairyBio program!
We know our future farms will need future forages and future cows to make the most of the coming opportunities and challenges! We know we work better when we can work directly with our farmers and this is a chance to ‘Have your say!’ on the largest research and innovation investment that Dairy Australia makes on your behalf - DairyBio.
The original DairyBio has driven transformational improvement in the dairy industry through bioscience – independent analysis has modelled the investment benefit cost ratio of the original investment (2016-21) at 5.3:1 (for every dollar invested there was a return of $5.30 on farm). Now it is time to plan the next phase of DairyBio (DairyBio21-26) and we want your opinion about what we need to deliver to assist you drive profitability outcomes for your business.
We want you to have your say on what you want DairyBio to be, and shape how it can assist your business, and your future animal and forage needs. If you can’t join us on March 19th at the virtual workshop, we still want your voice to be heard – please give us as much information and feedback as you can below.
The original DairyBio has driven transformational improvement in the dairy industry through bioscience – independent analysis has modelled the investment benefit cost ratio of the original investment (2016-21) at 5.3:1 (for every dollar invested there was a return of $5.30 on farm). Now it is time to plan the next phase of DairyBio (DairyBio21-26) and we want your opinion about what we need to deliver to assist you drive profitability outcomes for your business.
We want you to have your say on what you want DairyBio to be, and shape how it can assist your business, and your future animal and forage needs. If you can’t join us on March 19th at the virtual workshop, we still want your voice to be heard – please give us as much information and feedback as you can below.
So far in the development process for DairyBio, we think we should be focusing on:
Animals (A-F)
A. delivering an improved genetic evaluation system for survival and resilience breeding values that optimise productive life
B. using genomics and herd and milk testing to predict real-time animal performance
C. development of prediction tools and ABVs for early lactation (transition) disease
D. improve the genomic prediction of heat tolerance
E. delivering ABVs and an index for individual cow emissions
F. delivering tools to optimise and monitor genomic diversity and reduce in-breeding
A. delivering an improved genetic evaluation system for survival and resilience breeding values that optimise productive life
B. using genomics and herd and milk testing to predict real-time animal performance
C. development of prediction tools and ABVs for early lactation (transition) disease
D. improve the genomic prediction of heat tolerance
E. delivering ABVs and an index for individual cow emissions
F. delivering tools to optimise and monitor genomic diversity and reduce in-breeding
Forages (G - K)
G. enhancing the genetic gain ability in all relevant forages for the future dairy industry
H. extending rapid breeding processes for integration and exploitation of genome edits
I. using phenomics for accurate measurement of key agronomic traits
J. delivering F1 Hybrids
K. deliver microbiomes for increased performance and resistance to disease and parasites
G. enhancing the genetic gain ability in all relevant forages for the future dairy industry
H. extending rapid breeding processes for integration and exploitation of genome edits
I. using phenomics for accurate measurement of key agronomic traits
J. delivering F1 Hybrids
K. deliver microbiomes for increased performance and resistance to disease and parasites