Hand Hygiene training monitoring tool is now closed

Dear Colleagues,
Thank you to all of you for coordinating and delivering hand hygiene training in your areas. Please note that  arrangements for reporting hand hygiene training delivery by hand hygiene trainers have been amended as follows from 28th January 2020:
· The survey monkey data collection from this page  has now stopped
· Instead of using the survey monkey tool, please report your training delivery information  monthly by email  to Aileen O’ Brien – Community Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety using the excel tool which has been circulated on 28th January 2020. If you have not received the excel tool,  this please email aileen.obrien@hse.ie for a copy
Thank you very much for all your continued work in educating colleagues and performing the Hand Hygiene Champion role in your service

Please use the attached excel spreadsheet template to enter your training information and then return your completed excel spreadsheets to me on a monthly basis by email to aileen.obrien@hse.ie.

 Please continue to report the numbers of staff trained to your line manager.
Promoting excellence in hand hygiene practice is very important for the safety of people using community services and for the safety of staff caring for service users. Delivering hand hygiene training promotes excellence in practice.

Thank you for being part of a skilled network of committed health and social care professionals who champion infection prevention and control whenever you train colleagues.