Learning Options

We would like to know what scholarly tools graduate students would like to learn while here at ASU.

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* 1. ASU Library is developing workshops and webinars to introduce graduate students to important tools to enhance and enable their scholarly activities. We have listed 11 topics here. Please rank them from most preferred to least preferred, with 1 being most preferred.

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* 2. Please share any other ideas you have for potential workshops or webinars that would support your scholarly efforts at ASU.

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* 3. Please rank the following days of the week, with 1 being the best day of the week for a workshop or webinar and 5 being the worst.

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* 4. Please check the best times of day for you to participate in a one-hour workshop or webinar.

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* 5. I am a

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* 6. Please let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns about ASU Library.