An invitation to participate in this survey

The Auckland University of Technology (AUT) in New Zealand is conducting an internet survey exploring footwear experiences in people with gout. AUT would like to invite you to participate in this survey. The survey will consist of multiple choice questions regarding the footwear you currently wear and the things that are important to you when choosing footwear. You will also have the opportunity to provide more detailed feedback on your footwear experiences and the impact that footwear has on your feet and your ability to do the things you want to do. In addition, the survey will ask some general questions relating to your gout.

This research provides an opportunity to identity current footwear trends in people with gout. The results of the survey will be submitted for publication and will help to justify further research into this area.

You are eligible to participate in this survey if you are at least 16 years old and have been diagnosed with gout. The survey is for research purposes only. Participation is voluntary – taking the survey is your choice. There will be no penalty if you decide not to take this survey and you can stop taking the survey at any time. There is not direct benefit to you from this survey but the information gained may advance our understanding of footwear issues related to gout. There is minimal risk associated with this survey. You may be inconvenienced or experience feelings of discomfort answering some of the questions.  There is no cost to you for your participation and no compensation will be given but the information provided will help us improve understanding.

The survey is completely anonymous.  Your privacy is protected as you will not be asked to provide any information which could identify you. Your survey responses will be reviewed only by the study Principal Investigator, Angela Brenton-Rule and her research team at AUT. For questions regarding the survey please contact the study Principal investigator Angela Brenton-Rule at email address or phone +64 9 9219999.

By completing the survey you are consenting to participate in the study. You can stop the survey at any time by closing your browser window. Your alternative is not participate in this research project. Please click on the NEXT button if you would like to continue.